laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame, dont use newgrounds as somesort news sight use twitter or another shit sight ur lucky if even one person reads ur entrys unless u make falshes and really halo 4 why halo 4 its a mokery of bungies hard work i swear if 343 f*cks up the halo storyline i will go to there studio with a bat covered in barbed wire and napalm and personaly shove it in all there asses
laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame, dont use newgrounds as somesort news sight use twitter or another shit sight ur lucky if even one person reads ur entrys unless u make falshes and really halo 4 why halo 4 its a mokery of bungies hard work i swear if 343 f*cks up the halo storyline i will go to there studio with a bat covered in barbed wire and napalm and personaly shove it in all there asses
What's your problem?